Thursday, February 10, 2011

The Structure Of Hair

The hair comes in three main parts: the cuticle, the cortex, and the medulla. 

The Cuticle
♥ The cuticle is the outermost layer of the hair shaft.
♥ It is composed of overlapping scale-like cells that lift and lay flat to regulate the absorption and release of moisture.
♥ The cuticle is transparent and its purpose is to protect the inner structures of the hair from damage.

♥ Relaxers, hair color, permanent waves, harsh combing and brushing, and using shampoos or other hair products with harsh chemicals can damage the outer layer of the hair. The cuticle serves as protection to the inner, more fragile parts of the hair. So we must be sure to treat the cuticle gently.

The Cortex
♥ The cortex is the inner layer of the hair.
♥ This part gives the hair its elasticity and shape.
♥ It also contains the pigment that gives the hair its color. This is seen through the transparent cuticle.
♥ The cortex contains fiber-like substances made of keratin and other substances.
♥ When you wet your hair or moisturize it, it goes through the cuticles and into the cortex. This moisture in the cortex helps the hair retain its health.
 Water actually provides the means for the necessary hydrogen bonding between the keratin fibers to occur. This bonding is essential for the maintenance of hair strength and elasticity. Without moisture in the cortex, the hair becomes thin, frizzy, and much more prone to permanent damage and breakage. Thus, the cuticle layer performs a very important duty by protecting this delicate interior of the hair and helping it maintain the proper balance of moisture.

The Medulla
♥ The medulla is the core and the innermost part of the hair.
♥ It is composed of round, loosely bound cells containing the protein keratin.
♥ The medulla makes up the chemical composition of the hair.
♥ Sometimes, the medulla is not continuous in the hair strand (may start at one part of the hair and then stop abruptly and then start again in the same strand), may be fragmented, and sometimes isn't even present. Coarser hair usually has more of its medulla, while finer hair usually has little to no medulla. The medulla really serves no critical purpose.

Originally Posted by:

Precious Curls


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